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Service is very important to us here at Midessa Water. We operate daily with a heart of service. We can't foresee every question or problem you may have. Your best best is to give us a call, we LOVE solving problems and helping with your water needs, no matter how big or small - How can we help?


What we offer:

If you live in West Texas, you have hard water. That's just a fact. Municipal water districts add chlorine and other chemicals to make the water safe to consume, but they do little (if anything) to combat hardness. 


Hard water causes skin irritation, build up on pipes and faucets and causes your water base appliances to fail well before their time. This costs you money.












Here in West Texas, it's not uncommon to see hardness anywhere from 25 to 150 grains of hardness and over 2000 ppm of dissolved solids. This level of hardness and TDS requires a system designed to deal with those extremes. Your typical off the shelf system simply can't deal with it.


The size, and therefor cost of the system is determined by several factors including your weekly average use and the hardness of your water just to name a few This is why your water needs to be tested to be sure you get the right size system. We offer free water testing for hardness and dissolved solids. We don't use scare tactics and chemistry gimmicks either, just the facts and an estimate to solve the problem. This way you can make your purchase decision based on actual facts and logic, not on emotion from a parlor trick.


We do residential, commercial  and industrial systems. We can handle any building type including mobile homes and trailers. We even have mini systems and  tankless RO system designed for apartments and R.V.'s.

Call today and talk to one of our hard water experts. 432-312-3260 


Get a Quote

If you would like a free water test and no obligation estimate, or just have some questions, let us know below.

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